·        Oil Spill Emergency Response

This subject is a part of Environment Management subject in an oil industry. But a special emphasis is given to this subject due to the severity potential of any oil spill.


I have undergone OSER courses conducted by Australian Marine Oil Spill Response Center and Briggs Marine, Malaysia. From these courses I have learnt the techniques of oil spill prevention and control. I have also understood the oil company’s role and responsibilities in preventing and controlling the oil spill.


Minor oil spills of quantity lesser than 25 tons have to be managed by the oil companies. Major oil spills in excess of 25 tons of oil is generally considered as National disaster in India and the assistance of Indian Coast Guard has to be sought to contain and recover the oil of major spills. If the Coast Guard were unable to handle the situation, International agencies would have to be mobilized.


Oil spills and related containment, recovery and clean-up activities have to be reported to the concerned authorities of the State and Central Government in the prescribed formats.